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"No one is less ready for tomorrow than the person who holds the most rigid beliefs about what tomorrow will contain."   - The Visionary's Handbook
A Pricing Model For Today’s Marketplace

Cost isn’t the biggest issue in selecting an executive search firm---but cost containment is clearly of critical importance to you in today’s competitive environment.

Historically, retained search and contingency cost models have been based on an arbitrary “percent of first year’s compensation”. While this model serves as a standard in the industry today, we believe AHA’s unique pricing model offers a better win-win approach.

Changing The Nature Of The Relationship Means Changing The Foundation

With our model, we put the emphasis on laying the foundation for a long-term partnership between A. Herndon & Associates and our client.

What we’ve discovered is that when cost is reflective of the actual time and effort expended in the search, the result is a fundamental shift in the client-recruiter relationship. As a result, we operate just like any other consulting firm you bring in to solve a problem for which you don’t have appropriate in-house expertise.

What’s The Motivation?

  • Our fees are not tied to candidate compensation – we are bias free.
  • Your goals are our goals. We aren’t motivated by the financial home run of fitting the ‘square peg in a round hole.’
  • Our ‘win’ comes only in the development of a long-term relationship.
  • We are motivated to prove this model on every search, insuring longevity of the partnership.

How It Works

An AHA search is initiated with a modest Engagement Fee.

We join your team. We help you develop a performance based profile that precisely defines your needs; we set goals together; we coach when it’s needed; we accept input---and we go to work. We are paid by the hour.

We know what’s important and what’s not. We’re efficient---and you pay only for the time and effort expended in meeting your needs.

The Result? Unparalleled Return On Your Recruiting Investment

While our aim is highest quality not lowest cost, our unique pricing model offers:

  • potential for significant savings when searches are completed quickly and efficiently.
  • potential for huge savings, particularly at the high end of the compensation spectrum, because search costs are linked to the search, not candidate compensation.
  • search fee caps to insure ‘old-model’ costs are never exceeded.

We’re confident you will find the benefits of this model as the best of both worlds – quality, with an eye toward cost, and a guaranteed stop-loss.


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